What are Dynamic Vaults?

Did you ever wanted to create a low risk and sustainable source of income on DeFi but got lost in the tens of different loan platforms? Well, Meteora changes that.


Dynamic Vaults is Solana DeFi's first dynamic yield infrastructure, with vaults that rebalance every minute across loan platforms to find the best potential yield while prioritizing user funds' accessibility.

Dynamic Vaults are a new sort of DeFi infrastructure that allows users to deposit and withdraw funds at any moment. They are meant to offer a yield layer infrastructure for Solana, allowing anyone to park and grow their assets in a secure and liquid way. The purpose of Dynamic Vaults is to solve the problems of optimum yield, fund security, and liquidity access in a DeFi setting.

Dynamic Vaults are built on top of Solana's speed, composability, and low transaction fees, which allows for event monitoring benefits for the system. The infrastructure is extendable to any chains that can support event monitoring.


Dynamic Vaults are made to be quickly integrated using a simple SDK, creating a layer that anyone with passive liquidity can connect to. They can play an important role as the yield layer for all of Solana, allowing users and protocols to easily interact with dapps, allowing all assets in the ecosystem to grow and earn yield safely while protecting liquidity.

“Wait, explain that like I’m 5!”

All that technical explanation might be too much if you are new to this, so let me explain in simpler terms:

Imagine you are actually 5, and your parents want you to have a saving habit. Your father has a piggy bank for you, and for every $10 you save, he adds 50 cents. It’s an easy decision to put your money there. Now imagine your mom, your grantparents, aunts and uncles all have a piggy bank for you, but the amount they add to your $10 is different from each other and it’s always changing.

It would be hard for you to keep track of all these opportunities. But one day, your bigger brother offers you to automatically allocate your savings to these piggy banks in a way that you get the maximum return. So you put your money to his piggy bank and he does all the work for you.


In this example, your brother’s piggy bank is the dynamic vault. Your brother that always checks the risks of your that piggy bank and finds the best allocations, is the keeper.

Why are Liquidity Providers and Lending Protocols Struggling?

LPs (liquidity providers) and protocols face challenges related to optimized yield, fund safety, and liquidity access. LPs may not have all the information needed to determine which lending protocols will give them the most optimal yield, and they may not be able to consistently monitor their funds 24/7.

Protocols, wallets, and treasuries also struggle with optimizing yield due to the difficulty of aggregating the most optimal yield, and they may rely heavily on giving out their own tokens for liquidity mining rewards to attract LPs, which is not sustainable in the long run. Designing their own yield aggregator and monitoring system that optimizes yield while keeping the funds safe is resource-intensive and time-consuming.

Dynamic Vaults aims to solve these challenges by providing an end-to-end risk management framework of optimizing yield, mitigating lending protocol risks, and maintaining full principal liquidity.

Solution: Dynamic Vaults

Dynamic Vaults solves the challenges faced by LPs and protocols related to optimized yield, fund safety, and liquidity access by providing an end-to-end risk management framework that optimizes yield, mitigates lending protocol risks, and maintains full principal liquidity. The vaults integrate with lending protocols and their lending, allowing for real-time yield optimization.